Well this week was a pretty fun week. First I'll start off by saying that we
had 2 baptisms wow. So one of the people we baptized was the fiance of my convert Alicia and he was baptized on Saturday.Then we confirmed him on Sunday and he's a great guy his name is Hipolito Mateo De Jesus. Wow he's a great guy but sometimes he goes away from here to work and works in other places. Then the other baptism we had is named Ivan and he's a great guy and we baptized his kids and his wife Martha the other week and he was great because he has to work on Sunday but he got baptized a 8 o'clock and then at 9 is the church service and then he got cormfirmed along with his wife.He goes to church every week and then leaves at 10 15 to go to work wow it's so great.
Also it was my
companions birthday on Thursday of last week so the
entire week everyone was giving him cake and junk like that it was super
funny. I even gave him a little cake and it's so funny because here in Mexico it's
like tradition to push people's faces in the cake. They always say que
la muerde and then they take a bite of the cake and someone always
pushes them jajaja. Yah our convert did that to Elder Jensen ,my old
companion jajaja.
Oh yeah Mom Martha told me that you guys talked on Facebook and I was
supurised because I have never had a convert talk to you guys before but she's super nice and yeah I did confirm her this Sunday. So if she
talks to you again just talk to her but remeber they don't know any english so you will have to translate it like you did, funny because she
thought you spoke
Spanish jajajaja.
so I'm going to send my photos from last week cause actually they didn't
get deleted its just that the computer was super slow and there's a lot of
photos from when we did the open house and then there's a lot of photos
of our baptisms and then there's some photos of some root beer floats and
then there's a lot of photos of my companions birthday and some photos of
when my companion was trying to steal a sheep to take a photo but so sad
that it was the black sheep of the family noooo. jajaja.
Well also I hope everything
goes fine with all those earthquakes going on, I will pray for you guys and I'm
glad that you all are fine and that nothing bad has happened with anyone
and that you are now preparing food storage and water but who know
what's going to happen, but when we put our faith in the Lord were
good to go.
Love you
Take Care,
Elder Cooper
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