Man I got sick again and it sucked because it was the same feeling as last time. I woke up on Thursday and I just felt sick so we didn't go to work and I just stayed in my bed all day throwing up and I threw up like 12 times. Boo. Well I'm still recuprating from being sick but I didn't go to the doctor but if I get sick again then I'm just going to the doctor and well if not i'm guessing that I'm fine. Well for this next week we are going to have 2 baptisms yahhh.
Ummm so I dunno this letter is suppppper short and I feel bad cause
that is how I felt this week jaja it's pretty mild tempreture here
and I didn't even know it was St Patrick's day until right now and well
what else ummm well one thing while I'm in this mission we aren't going to
use ipads because our mission which i'm guessing about this but it is the most basic or poor
mission in the world cause we just use what we got and yah ohh well.
jaja I mean for my entire mission I just used my feet to get around and buses and I've never had a bike or car so I really doubt this
mission will ever get ipads or use Facebook.
Okay I can't leave my letter that small, I feel bad because I didn't write more. I
want to say that I have felt on my mission and that the spirit is everything.Like how it converted Brigham Young and well man we just met with
this kid whose going to Costa Rica on his mission but he just wants to share
his testimony with everyone and he's a great guy. The spirit , I think
is how we do the work of the Lord
I love you guys, take care and be safe.
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