Well this week, wow it was a little hard but yeah there we go. The good thing is that this week we had 5 people come to church . Truthfully it could not have come any faster that these people come to church. Funny so the first person is named Guadalupe and we talked with her and she was like alright i'll come to church and she came and we went by in a taxi and she was ready but we just need her kids to go now. I think church might have been one of those church sessions just like please end come on now. Then the other is named Lucy and she was great but she needs to get married but we had to pass by and ask her boyfriend for permission at 8 at night wow and then we got there and it was all good he said yes and then she came to church. So yes people came to church yesssssss.
Then well what else has really happened in this week, well I can say one thing I think our house is really haunted honestly. Well I mean we always go into our house and it just smells like straight cigarette smoke and it's like well we haven't been smoking and no one has entered our house and one time we entered the room where we sleep and it just smelled like straight wet dog and we couldn't get the smell to go away so truthfully I think it's haunted and one time the door or the part where you put the keys,like some one started playing with it and then we checked like who could it be and then no one was there weird stuff man. Also the house sucks because i've never had a house where i've had a problem with mold and now there's mold on my stuff boooooo.
Oh but about the college I have
no clue truthfully if there is anything that I need to do just tell me
and I will finish it. Well if I have to do like an exam or
something well just tell me and where ever you want to apply me is fine.
Okay so that's all i've got to
say and well PJ got married felcidades sorry I wasn't there but yeah i'll
see you guys in 9 months so yeah oh well. So I really don't have to much to say but well I did get some letters from Dad and Jen and Jen thanks for sending me a whoopy cushion jajaja.
well so I will put my pictures and yeah. so
first is of me washing some dishes for that lady Lucy and then there's
our house and it stinks I know. but well i'ts not to bad.
So I love all you guys and know you guys are the best
Les Amo.
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