Okay so this was a good week, I have to say but I will just say, we wasted some time, but it all payed off cause this week we had another baptism. This time it was Jesus, the husband of Elia, and wow we were so blessed as she was in the hospital and she called us and just said take care of him, and make sure the baptism all goes well and that Jesus is fine. So we had the baptism and when I was dunking him I guess I did it a little fast as the water came back up and splashed me in the face I was thinking," like wow the sins of this man are so brutal that they're hitting me in the face as they're being washed away! jajaja! Get it? It's a joke!
What else happened this week? Not much, just that, and worked hard, and I had a little few trials with my companion, as I almost hurt him, and well yeah we're fine. My companion, his name is Elder Ramirez, and he's from Veracruz.
Well guess what? I received my birthday package! yahhhhhhhhh!!! In it was those stickers which are awesome, (scripture stickers) and then there is a book (childrens Book of Mormon Stories with pictures) which I love. It's just easier for the people to learn from it and well for me too. What else was there? Oh a recees thing which im gonna make today, and instant bake things, I love those. There was an SD card, and Jen I really enjoyed that! jajaja! It was just funny to see everyone and the video's from Grandma were a little funny I'm not going to lie.
what else? Oh today we went to Zocalo, it's like the torurist site of Mexcio City and we went up a tower and saw the huge city and then we
went to Chinos which is like a place to buy cheap ties, so it's like 30
pesos for every tie. I bought 8 ties, oh yeah, I'm a big shot you know. What else can I say? Well I almost had brownies but this sister took them to her work I was like noooooooooooo.
Well also what else has happened this week. Welll ummm what can I say oh the rumors about people getting pick pocketed on the subway. Well the subway is just like the subway over there in LA. I mean yeah there are people, but not if your just being stupid. Yes well they did steal my coke one time because it was just hanging from my backpack. Mom, I dunno but I will figure a way to cook those bad boys because I do want to eat dutch oven potatoes, I really do. Thank you for sending the reciepe's and working on sending me more CD's and conference.
Well wow a lot is happening and Jen wow almost have your second AA watch out. Oh and yeah I guess you really don't really realize how much the missionaries are prayed for because how important their work is. It's the same when people pray here, it's like well how special would you feel if people you didn't know were praying for you just because you're an Elder or Sister doing the Lords work. That's why we have blessings, because we do the lords work, and people are always praying for the Elders.
I'm glad that you guys could have a nice picnic by the jacuzzi on your new patio furniture. Wow I'm really out of words to say. I really don't know what to say but well I'll just explain my photos. So first is of my package with all the cool things that you guys sent me. You know what's funny is that dad sent me that tie that I was really wanting him to send me a tie, so thank you, and it's even Hawiian! One of the pictures is of the baptism and Jesus is in all white in front of me and the others are people from the ward. Another picture is up on the tower we were on the floor 42 can you beilve it? jajaja. And there were Americans who didn't know Spanish there, and the poor mexicans were trying to help with their broken english.
So I'm going to end this up by saying I love you guys and know that you're always there for me even when I send a super short letter. Well what I will add on is that I have learned here that Mexicans will put salsa on everything. They put salsa and limon (lime) in soup, in popcorn, in chips, on pizza, on corn, on any type of fruit, on anything they have to eat I think. But if they don't like the flavor, BAM just put some salsa on that bad boy. Then just on everything. Just imagine like eating normal food and then BAM they put like salsa from taco bell but a lot more spicy on it but it's something like that or salsa that's homemade or bought from a tortileriia.
Okay so I'll just end here and I have well almost 1 year
and 2 months and a week and Grandma was asking, tsk tsk for not knowing! (it's a joke) I'm just going to end with saying how I love
everyone and will keep praying for them. Oh and also just a little news this next Monday is changes so I
could still be here or I could be in some other area ¿who knows? ummmmmm
but i'll probably just stay here because I always spend a long times in one area. Oh Brandon, how you have beaten me! But don't worry one day I will learn
c++ like I've always wanted to and oh boy I'm going to do it ( don't know what
classes Tyler is now but I will take it one day)
I'm gonna end by saying I love all of you guys and want you to know I love you and well I'll be working for the Lord, and yes we will be talking soon.
I'm gonna end by saying I love all of you guys and want you to know I love you and well I'll be working for the Lord, and yes we will be talking soon.
Les Amo Muchisisisisismo.
Elder Cooper
Elder Cooper
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